NCE-Local Exchange Groups

If you are interested in adding your local exchange group to this list, please contact:
Kara Libster
NCE Executive Administrator
Phone: 858-222-1608


Group: Arizona Real Estate Exchangors (AZREX)

City: Tucson | State: Arizona

Contact: Bob Dytko

Phone: 520-668-6697

Meetings : 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month @ 9:30 AM

Time and/or Location: Stewart Title of Tucson: 3939 E Broadway, Tucson AZ


Group: Orange Coast Exchangors (OCE)

City: San Clemente | State: California

Contact: Debbie Ferrari & Alex Ko

Phone: 949-463-4111

Meetings : First Friday of each month

Time and/or Location: 9:00 AM; Zoom & Live @ 635 Camino de los Mares, 3rd Floor, San Clemente

Group: Real Estate Investment & Exchange Group (REIE)

City: San Diego | State: California

Contact: Dan Sanders & Jackie Ross

Phone: 760-688-8000

Meetings : Varies- contact for date and time

Time and/or Location: Varies- contact for date and time


Group: Mile High Exchangors (MHE-CCME)

City: Denver | State: Colorado

Contact: Dawn Warriner/Ana Lugo/Jason Pavlovik

Phone: 720-203-7993

Meetings : Every Wednesday

Time and/or Location: 8:30 AM; Location varies- contact for date and time

Group: Pikes Peak Exchangors (PPX)

City: Colorado Springs | State: Colorado

Contact: Thomas Powell

Phone: 719-290-7639

Meetings : 1st & 3rd Friday of each month

Time and/or Location: Coquette's Bistro 616 S Tejon St, Colorado Springs. Breakfast at 8 AM, meeting begins at 9 AM

Group: Pueblo Association of Exchangors (PAX)

City: Pueblo | State: Colorado

Contact: John Hart

Phone: 719-778-0937

Meetings : Online & in person- Passcode for Zoom 4yN23d

Time and/or Location: Every Thursday 9 AM- Walkingstick Golf Course Clubhouse, 4351 Walkingstick Blvd


Group: Florida Real Estate Exchangors (FREE)

City: Varies | State: Florida

Contact: Tim Mapp

Meetings : FREE meets 4-6 times per year around Florida

Time and/or Location: Varies- next meeting Aug 15-16, 2024 in Orlando

Group: Gulf Region Exchangors & Traders (GREAT)

City: Sarasota | State: Florida

Contact: Tim Mapp

Meetings : $15 cost covers free buffet breakfast & drink.

Time and/or Location: Every Friday 9:30-11:30 at Der Dutchman at 3713 Bahia Vista St, Sarasota


Group: Association of Georgia Real Estate Exchangors (AGREE)

City: Atlanta | State: Georgia

Contact: Scott Morchower

Phone: 770-310-9575

Meetings : 3rd Thursday of each month

Time and/or Location: 9 AM- NOON; Atlanta Realtors Center 5784 Lake Forrest Dr. NW, Atlanta, GA 0328


Group: Treasure Valley Exchange Group (TVEG)

City: Nampa | State: Idaho

Contact: Rocky Hammons

Phone: 208-631-0732

Meetings : Third Thursday of the odd months

Time and/or Location: 9 AM at Pioneer Title Nampa, 100 10th Avenue South


Group: Indiana Real Estate Exchangors (IREX)

City: Indianapolis | State: Indiana

Contact: Gloria Emborsky

Phone: 317-753-5447

Meetings : Varies- see website for date & time

Time and/or Location: 9 AM; MIBOR 1912 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis


Group: Kentucky Real Estate Exchangors (KREE)

City: Louisville | State: Kentucky

Contact: Anne Ray

Phone: 502-276-3783

Meetings : 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month

Time and/or Location: Varies; contact for time & location


Group: Michigan Association of Real Estate Exchangers (MAREX)

City: Grand Rapids | State: Michigan

Contact: Tom Goebel

Phone: 519-962-9937

Meetings : 3rd Wednesday

Time and/or Location: 2:30 PM via Zoom


Group: Minnesota Real Estate Exchangors (MREE)

City: Minneapolis | State: Minnesota

Contact: Brian Beeman

Phone: 320-333-8782

Meetings : 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

Time and/or Location: 9:00-11:45 AM, Hellmuth & Johnson Conf. 4th floor, 8050 W. 78th St


Group: Montana Association of Real Estate Exchangors (MAREX)

City: Missoula | State: Montana

Contact: Roger Carlson

Phone: 406-261-4930

Meetings : Every other month (starting in Feb) 2nd Wednesday

Time and/or Location: 9 AM; Ruby's Reserve Street Inn

New Mexico

Group: New Mexico Council of Exchangors (NMCE)

City: Albuquerque | State: New Mexico

Contact: Brandon Sanchez

Phone: 505-720-4332

Meetings : Every Thursday

Time and/or Location: 8:30 AM; GAAR Bldg, 1635 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque


Group: Ohio Commercial Real Estate Exchangors (OCREE)

City: Columbus | State: Ohio

Contact: Mike Lane

Phone: 614-419-7040

Meetings : 2nd & 4th Thursday each month

Time and/or Location: 8:30 AM- York Golf Club, Columbus OH

South Carolina

Group: Greenville Equity Marketing Sessions (GEMS)

City: Greenville | State: South Carolina

Contact: Philip Klinck

Phone: 864-735-5366

Meetings : 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month

Time and/or Location: 424 Westfield Street, Greenville SC 29601


Group: Utah Real Estate Deal Forum (formerly UIEC)

City: Salt Lake City | State: Utah

Contact: JR McLaughlin

Phone: 801-243-4700

Meetings : Every 3rd Friday

Time and/or Location: 9-12; Jim's Family Restaurant 128th S. Redwood Drive, Riverton